Please join us for our seasonal gathering of the Imaginal Cell.


What is The Imaginal Cell : The Space

A space for those who believe in the infinite nature of creativity and the  transformative power of embodied consciousness offered by integrative embodiment practitioner Susan Ackerman Joseph (A Wanderer’s Way) . Sometimes there are guest hosts.

Who is called to be part of The Imaginal Cell : The Space?

Persons with a conscience. Those with a conscious vision. Those committed to bringing benefit to others simply by being who we are.  Dreamers, sacred activists, healers, guides, artists, teachers and those who hold space for others as a companion on the journey toward truth.  

Why is The Imaginal Cell : The Space being offered now?

We are in the midst of a global existential crisis.  There is no one on this planet unaffected by the urgency of this time.  Now is the time for the truth in all its brutality, but also in all its beauty.

Some of us have been anticipating this for a while, watching, noticing as systemic imbalances tip further away from harmony.  Some of us have been dreaming of the massive disruption we are experiencing.  Some of us have been sensing it in our bones.  Some have been following the facts through science and history.  Some have been testifying about it through their art, their books, their videos.

If you are with us, you too know the importance of coming together to conjoin our gifts.  We are co-creators in the world we live in.  

The Imaginal Cell : The Space  is a “workshop” space for to actively explore and participate in actions we can take as conscious citizens in a transforming environment.

What can I expect as a participant of The Imaginal Cell : The Space?

Each gathering is a guided exploration on a topic or theme that will include gentle movement/somatic work, meditation, exercises, ritual, and opportunities for sharing and connection. Zoom room will open at least 5 minutes before each gathering.

Participants are encouraged to show up present, ready  to share and receive the gifts of the moment. Your voice is important, as is your capacity to hold space for others.  Have a journal handy.  Participation in any group activity is always consensual.  You may attend with or without video.  

The Imaginal Cell: The Space is a container for creative sacred action. While it is our experience that there are holistic wellness benefits to this work, this is not a substitute for medical or mental health care.  

Is there a fee to participate?

There is no fee for this offering, although contributions are appreciated. (Suggested contribution $20.) A minimum of 60% of contributions are shared with mutual aid organizations.

How do I join?


Visit my Workshops & Events page for upcoming dates for this special offering.

Collaborative Workshops & Events

Contact me to offer The Imaginal Cell to your group or organization.

Interested in collaborating? Or producing a workshop in your area?

Please email me!

I would love to hear from you.